Natforce Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 Updated List

The 2024/2025 Natforce shortlisted candidates list for the screening exercise is out! The Natforce officials as released the 2024/2025 Natforce shortlisted candidates list for the screening exercise which is available on the Natforce shortlisted official portal.

We will take you through the process to check if you have been shortlisted for the screening exercises. We will also show you how to check the full Natforce recruitment shortlisted candidates in PDF format on the official portal.

We will guide you through the steps on how to check the Natforce 2024/2025 shortlisted candidates and how to download the list in PDF format, so stay on this post to learn more about the Natforce 2024/2025 shortlisted list.

Is Natforce Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 Out?

Yes! The 2024/2025 Natforce shortlisted candidates are out. So if you applied for the just concluded Natforce recruitment go ahead and check if you have been pre-selected for the Natforce screening exercise.

We are pleased to inform you that The Natforce management has shortlisted and published all qualified applicants who registered for this year’s recruitment and are advised to check the official shortlisted portal to know if they have been shortlisted for the screening exercise.

Is your name on the list? If yes, then know that you have been pre-selected for the screening exercise. If you don’t know how to check for your name don’t panic you are at the right place, this post will guide you on how to check if your name is shortlisted on the Natforce shortlisted candidates list for 2024/2025.

Steps to Check the Natforce Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025

The 2024/2025 Natforce shortlisted candidates are yet to be released by the management of the Natforce. So all 2024 applicants are advised to exercise a little patience for the full list to be published on the main Natforce shortlisted website.

You can follow the steps below to know if you are shortlisted among the Natforce 2024/2025 shortlisted candidates

  1. Visit the official Natforce shortlisted portal at
  2. Scroll down to the middle of the home page and;
  3. Click on View Full List under Shortlisted Candidates

All candidates are advised to take note of their screen date and center and be there with the required documents. Failure to appear on the screen date with the required documents means you have declined the job offer.

Applicants are also advised to check their registered email addresses concerning the screening exercise which will take place at designated locations nationwide as the management of the Natforce will notify and contact all shortlisted candidates via their registered email addresses.

Here are the documents required by the Candidates at the screening center to prove you filled out the online registration form.

  • Original and photocopies of your credentials (original documents must be attached)
  • A printout of the submission confirmation page from the management portal.
  • A valid means of identification such as a Voter’s card, National ID Card, Valid Driver’s License, National Identification Number (NIN), or International Passport (original and its photocopy)
  • Two Recent Passport photographs of the applicant.

Note that at the time this article was published, the list of successful applicants was yet to be uploaded by the Natforce management. The full list is now published. Check the official registration portal to see if you have been pre-qualified.

Any questions regarding the Natforce shortlisted candidates for 2024/2025, just leave a comment below this page, and our team will respond to your request.

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